Kycie Jai Terry
This is the ongoing story of Kycie Jai Terry.
Happy, Beautiful & Spoiled
Born October 11th, 2009. Jamie had long awaited the day she could hold a daughter of her own. Kycie was the youngest of 5 children, and the only girl. Protected and pampered. Wholesome and daring. In 2013 the Terry family welcomed their 5th boy to the family. His name is Boston, but Kycie called him, "my baby."
Tragedy Strikes
2015 was looking bright for Kycie. After years and years of begging her parents, Kycie got a dog of her own for Christmas. She was busy playing with her puppy and preparing for her first year of competitive cheerleading. One Sunday after church, Kycie complained of a headache. The next day she stayed home from pre-school after she threw up and didn't feel good. Tuesday she wouldn't eat and would only sip on Sprite and water, complaining her tummy hurt. Wednesday she was seen by her doctor and diagnosed with Strep throat. Thursday night her parents noticed she had lost a lot of weight, still wasn't eating and threw up several times through the night. On Friday, January 30th, Kycie's parents took her to the ER in St. George, Utah. There she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. She was LifeFlighted 310 miles north to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The MRI showed that complications from Type 1 Diabetes caused cerebral edema, resulting in a herniation of her brain and injuring many critical areas of her brain. It is expected that Kycie will have little to no quality of life.
While in flight, Kycie's blood sugars began to drop rapidly. Kycie and her mother landed in Salt Lake City around 6:00 pm. Shortly after boarding the ambulance Kycie suffered a seizure. She had another seizure just upon arriving at Primary Children's Hospital.
At first, her parents thought Kycie was in a diabetic coma and expected her to wake up any minute. After about 24 hours of little progress, doctors ordered an MRI. On Sunday, February 1st, doctors told Josh and Jamie that the MRI showed extensive damage to critical areas of Kycie's brain. Most kids do not survive an injury like this, and those that do have little to no quality of life. Her parents were devastated and spent the next 8 days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit praying and encouraging Kycie to fight. They vowed that as long as she fights, they will fight with her.
The Next 100 Days
Kycie surprised everyone and was able to breath without the help of a ventilator and did not need a tracheotomy. She was moved to the Neuro and Trauma Unit to begin a long and painful recovery.
Kycie's parents live in St. George, Utah which is located 310 south of Primary Children's Hospital. Josh and Jamie Terry decided from the beginning that they would never leave Kycie alone. Josh would drive to the hospital every weekend and back to southern Utah during the work week while Jamie stayed by Kycie's side.
Overwhelmed with the new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, its unpredictable sugar swings, shots and glucose checks, Josh and Jamie were dealing with the even more daunting fact that their little princess now has a severe traumatic brain injury. Kycie will open her eyes for short periods of time, but makes little purposeful movement. At this time, Kycie is being fed though a tube in her nose and doctors want to place a more permeant feeding tube in her stomach. Jamie worked night and day nursing Kycie back to health while feelings of guilt for leaving her 5 boys at home were only slightly blanketed by feelings of peace for caring for her sick and injured daughter.
Coming Home
On May 14th, 2015 Kycie was released from the hospital and able to come back home. This would be the first time the entire family was under the same roof since January 30th.
As the Terry family pulled into St. George, they were met with a hero's welcome. Firetrucks and police cars escorted the family to their house with hundreds of people lining the streets to welcome Kycie home.
The spirit that accompanied Kycie filled the Terry house and Kycie was showered with kisses and hugs from her brothers that missed her so much. They read her stories, played games with her and sat in her bed to watch movies. Kycie required care 24 hours a day. Still unable to talk, walk, or feed herself, Josh and Jamie worked each day to help Kycie progress. Now working with therapists in St. George, Kycie had a full schedule from 7:00 in the morning until bedtime at 8:00.
““Around 4:30 this morning Kycie Jai peaceful passed away in her fathers arms and with her mother by her side. We are heart broken but thankful for the Plan of Salvation and the atonement of Jesus Christ.”
When Kycie was discharged the doctors told her parents that their number one concern for Kycie should be pneumonia. After only 5 weeks of being home, Kycie came down with a cold. She was admitted to the St. George hospital on June 30th and was LifeFlighted back to Primary Children's Hospital that same day.
Pneumonia kept Kycie hospitalized for just over a week. She slowly got stronger and on July 8th Kycie had recovered enough to be released and come back home. She was only at her earthly home for another 3 days before passing away on July 11th in her fathers arms and with her mother by her side.